Tag: HIST 390

  • Blog Post #7

    My experience with creating both my timeline and my maps has been fairly pleasant so far. I’m very proud of my timeline in particular, as it stands as a great visualization of the evolution and spread of judicial dueling throughout medieval Europe. I really like knight labs, they make the process of creating a timeline…

  • Blog Post #6

    So far, my experience with Omeka and creating an exhibit has been so-so. I’ve had a lot of trouble trying to get things to work, and despite following the instructions exactly I still haven’t been able to find success with many facets of the software. I’m not very skilled at web design or coding to…

  • Blog Post #5

    My trip to the National Portrait Gallery and the “Struggle for Justice” exhibition provided a number of key insights on how to lay an exhibit out and what exactly to feature. Though my exhibit will be entirely different in terms of content, I can use many of the same techniques as the curators at the…

  • Museum Assignment

    Museum Assignment

    1. For my museum assignment, I chose to visit the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC and toured “The Struggle for Justice” exhibition. “The Struggle for Justice” highlights the many difficulties faced by civil rights leaders who have fought for equality in this country on behalf of those who have been discriminated against and…

  • Blog Post #4

    The past is owned by two groups of people- contemporary chroniclers who record the past, and historians who interpret those chronicles. To record history is to claim ownership over it, and in interpreting those recordings one claims ownership over them in turn. When we strip away the excess details, the past can really only be…

  • Blog Post #3

    Both Professor Matthew Kirschenbaum and Evan Donahue make excellent points regarding the utility of coding within the humanities. Both essays are extremely well written, and provide convincing arguments for their given viewpoints. However, Evan Donahue makes a stronger argument by pointing out that the field of computer sciences is vast, and that programming only represents…